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Our Projects

The Focus of Our Efforts



每年新年第一天,为回顾过去一年华裔团体在社会活动中做出的贡献,并展望新一年如何更好地建设华裔社区,侨路基金会(Bridge Road International Foundation)邀请民选官员和青年学生共同分享了参与华人社区建设的经历。 我们希望能最大限度的发挥华裔的影响力,让我们的声音被重视,也提供华裔第二代青年一个学习为民服务的平台

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侨路基金会联合翰林文教基金会,美国湖南联谊会、美国山东总商会、美国南京商会、北加州苏浙同乡会,联合发起包括伯克利全球华人校友会、看东方文化艺术中心、硅谷女性协会、韩华基金会、海外抗日战争纪念馆义工团队、粤港澳海外联谊会、河洛医科大学等20多个在美华人组织参与的“抗击新型冠狀病毒社区救助平台”。平台向全美华人倡议“我们能,一起强大”(We Can / Stronger Together ),凝聚本土华人力量,为防止冠状病毒蔓延出力。





以公民责仼 、公益爱心、共创超越 、共担使命为核心的硅谷青年论坛,希望提供平台让下一代都有同样机会向青年领袖学习成长。我们举办这个活动为的是向下一代亚裔美国人传达几个重要思想‘了解公民意识,加强社会责任感,鼓励创新创业,领悟自身使命’。侨路宗旨是发掘、汇集、和培养有领袖



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The WWII Pacific War Memorial Hall (Memorial Hall) was established and opened to the public in San Francisco Chinatown in 2015. The Memorial Hall was initiated and created by Florence Fang, a well-known Chinese social activist in the Bay Area. Its goal is to preserve the accuracy and authenticity of history, and  its spirit is to "respect  history and cherish peace".  The Memorial Hall has a construction area of ​​more than 5,000 square feet, and its exhibition layout includes physical exhibits, didactic panels, and electronic and video displays. In addition,  the Memorial Hall is divided into three exhibition areas, namely the War Summary Hall, the Overseas Chinese Aid Hall and the Sino-US Friendship Hall. These exhibitions show the entire history of the war of resistance in China, the Chinese Americans supporting efforts to fight against Japaneses, and the historical facts of the cooperation between China and the United States in the bloodiest of all wars. 

Worm Spring Chinese School

Most of our efforts pertaining to this program involve studying new approaches and developing innovative ways to implement them. We evaluate our success in this field by gathering qualitative and quantitative data, and using that information to measure shifts and changes from our baseline measurements.

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